Griffin Redneckisms *If you have a boat that the neighbors have turned in as junk. *If the city has ever sent you a ticket for a complaint of junk and it turns out it was on the pickup. *If your picnic area is filled with your garage items because your garage is filled with junk. *If every time you want some new junk, you check with one of your relatives that seem to have everything in their barn. Lead weights from inside tires? Check with Steve. Cigarette vending machine? Check with John. *If your friends have ever brought junk over for the city wide clean up and you kept it all. *If you are slightly put out that the city has a 2-a-year limit on yard sales per address. *If your kids look forward to yards sales and salvation army for back to school shopping. *If you don't have even money to buy new clothes because of the satellite dish payment. *If you don’t have money for groceries but do have money to take a fishing trip. *If you don’t have money to make your house payment but yo...
Just a woman in it for the long haul of marriage, gaining humility thru this parenting gig and slinging hope and humor to those around me.