So in addition to the IBLP study I'm doing, I currently switch off with Raising Godly Tomatoes and another book. These are the questions for study this week from "the other book". Which I'm hesitant to list the Title so as not to confuse or set you up with preconceived ideas about the answers. Seek them out for yourself. I would love to hear any thoughts or comments. 1. Suppose it were possible to write to the original apostles, asking them about church life. Do you suppose they would answer back that they expected you to follow their examples regarding church practice or would they have encouraged you to follow a way of your own devising? 2. How can the axiom form follows function be applied to the way that the apostles first set up and organized churches? 3. What passages in the New Testament indicate whether there was a basic uniformity of practice in all New Testament churches or whether each was unique and different? 4. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for hol...
Just a woman in it for the long haul of marriage, gaining humility thru this parenting gig and slinging hope and humor to those around me.