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Showing posts from October, 2009

Beauty and the Pig week 6

Proverbs 3:3-4 “For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil; But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. What do we know about honeycombs and honey? They are sweet, sticky, get too much makes you sick, delicious, drips slowly, tempting. Can the honeycomb hold in the honey? It can’t help but to drip out. Try a piece of honeycomb or a spoonful of honey. What do we know about oil? It is slick, smooth. Rub a small amount of oil olive on your hands and try to open a door knob. How easy is it to turn the knob with oily hands? How do your hands feel? Smooth? This is another experiment that you’ll have to check with mom 1st on. Take a small area of the kitchen floor that is clean. Put some oil in a spot and rub it in. How does it look? Shinny? Bright? Sprarkling clean? Be careful, but what happens when you try to walk on it? What would happen to someone unaware of the oil if they walked across the floor? How can a strange ...

Things I don't like to hear...

For your listening pleasure: Click Here . Mom! Wook et me! Hey, I'm up at the ER...... Hey, I'm up at the Washington County Sheriff's office..... Mom, the cat pooped on the trampoline. Mom, here's your hairbrush back, I used it on the cat. SPIDER! I went pee without using my hands (so said the boy).

Defense or Offense?

Thought this was a timely devotional I read this morning. I have been on both sides of this. Enjoy. _______________________________ In light of Jesus’ piercing words: “ Blessed is he who is NOT offended in me .” Have you been offended by someone recently? Is it over something minor or monumental? Well, here are a few things to consider: You are usually offended when you are thinking the worst about someone’s motives and thinking that they were wishing you ill. In other words, you are judging the intents of their heart. Something a believer ought never do. We have not so learned Jesus Christ. “ Love hopes for the best ” – it doesn ’t think the worst about others nor does it judge the motives of another. Whenever we do this, we’re in the flesh. When a Christian is offended with another believer, it is likely they have merely misunderstood their fellow brother or sister in Christ and have read things into what they have said and did that aren ’t there. You have forgotten that everything t...


I am reading one of those books that is just life changing. In the quotes from what others are saying about this book, I stumbled upon this one: "It is not about going to church but being the church, and that is to be done everywhere I go and in everything I do."

Beauty and the Pig week 5

Beauty and the Pig Bible Study Listed below are descriptive phrases from the book of Proverbs about the strange woman. Meditate on each phrase and answer each question. Ask for your parents’ opinions about each question, too. They may see you differently than you are able to see yourself. Proverbs 7:5, 21 “flattereth with her words”, “much fair speech”, “flattering of her lips” i. Am I inappropriately forward with verbal praise or open admiration of others? ii. Do I insincerely compliment or admire others with the purpose of manipulating them or getting their attention and favor? Proverbs 7:10 “with the attire of an harlot and subtil of heart” i. What is my purpose in the way I choose to dress? ii. Do I dress attractively or do I dress to attract? iii. Do I seek to serve my Christian brothers and other boys and men by dressing in a manner that does not tempt them to lust? Proverbs 7:11 “loud” i. Do I seek attention by making loud and silly remarks in the company of others? ii. Do I eng...

Beauty and the Pig week 4

“The mouth of strange women is a deep pit; he that is abhorred of the LORD shall fall therin.” (Proverbs 22:14) ”Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10) Scripture offers a detailed and colorful picture of two very different sorts of women. While offering wise and godly counsel to young men, the writers of the book of Proverbs praise one kind of woman and warn against the other. The purpose of this study is to examine what God says about both women – the virtuous woman who fears and honors God and the strange woman whose heart is bent on unfaithfulness and adultery. A truly beautiful young lady will bring her attitudes and actions under the lordship of Jesus Christ. Her clothing, her countenance, her words, and her behavior will exhibit reverence for God, respect for her parents, and sisterly deference to the young men around her. She will be growing in the Lord, becoming the kind of woman whose “worth is far above rubies.” This study may not ...

A Few Recent Comments From the Peanut Gallery

Brian: I have just 3 words for you, "I LOVE THIS HOUSE!" So does this fall under math or grammar issues? ________________________________________ Allen de -iced the chest freezer this morning outside and through the chunks of ice out in the yard, Brian just came in yelling "GUYS! YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS! IT HAILED GIANT PIECES OF HAIL JUST IN OUR YARD LAST NIGHT!!!" ____________________________________________ Wyatt gave us a scare by jumping off the top of the bunk bed and was crying. I asked the girls why they didn't stop him. Makensie : Because it didn't hurt him the 1st time. ____________________________________________ Brian: Mom would you rather risk your life to save me, or dress up fancy and go to a party. Me: Mmmm , well, I guess risk my life. What about you? Brian: I'd probably risk my life, because I sure don't want to be an orphan. __________________________________________________ I was rocking Wyatt and fell asleep. I woke up ...

This Author is Misinformed

Grass Spider "Habitat - These spiders are often called grass spiders because they construct their webs in tall grass, heavy ground cover and the branches of thick shrubs. Rarely will a funnel web spider be seen indoors, except for an occasional wandering male. They are found mostly in the Pacific Northwest states. " I have a bone to pick with this misinformed author. I have found over 15 of these rather large creatures in our home in the last week. I'm sure the rain has something to do with it, but regardless I'm not excited about it. Having one of these jump out and chase you down in the morning is a quicker wake up call than 4 cups of coffee and I'd rather be singing javaluia.