- I’m a follower of Christ Jesus and I'm glad He has changed my life.
- We have 4 little ones ages 9, 8, 7 and 2. Some days I don’t think this is my calling.
- I love being a wife to my handsome hubby Allen, most days.
- We homeschool although some days I don’t think it is my calling either.
- We have been in business for almost 5 years. There is a fine line here between things I love and things I hate about being self employed.
- We haven’t had health insurance for 5 years.
- We have had a lot of financial drought over the last couple of years.
- I want to be wealthy enough to be a blessing to other families in need.
- Our kids are really funny.
- The TV character I most closely relate with is Jordan on Scrubs, which my husband and I enjoy after the kids are in bed if I can manage to stay awake.
- I was told after my last baby that I was born to birth, not neccesarily the most useful talent to have.
- I am more scared of getting an IV than giving birth and have never had an epidural, the whole needle in the spine thing really bothers me.
- I have passed a kidney stone and would rather give birth again. I have 4 more stones left in my kidney’s, however, after having to revive me during surgery, the Dr,'s stopped the procedure.
- We almost lost our 1st born after delivery. She was only 4lbs 3ozs, had the cord wrapped around her neck, the cord was in a knot and pulled from the placenta.
- The Dr. had to manually retrieve the placenta. Keep in mind #12 and I still hold fast to #13.
- I met my husband at a bar and we made fun of him the first week calling him “the drunk guy”. Come to find out he doesn’t drink hardly ever he just acts that way all the time.
- I love my parents, but think they are slightly brainwashed.
- My mom is the best hostess and loves to take care of us when we go home.
- My thighs and rear end used to be two different things.
- I like to start my days early, usually by 6am, with a cup of coffee that is about ½ milk and some brown sugar.
- I have a scar on my forehead, given to me during a fight in the high school parking lot.
- I am thankful that my invincible thinking and poor choices when I was young did not land me in jail.
- I have secretly watched All My Children on and off since I was 6 years old and am going through the AA steps over this.
- I like to accidently catch an Eminem’s song even just briefly on the car radio. I love KLRC, but sometimes just need something with a little more...groove.
- The person I am now, dislikes the person I used to be.
- I love a good long nap.
- I do not like having to do dishes.
- I’m not a very good housekeeper. Our home has only looked like Better Homes and Gardens maybe 2 times.
- I wasted my time in college looking for the next party.
- I paid to study Floralculture, which is a 2 year degree, at KSU, which is a 4 year college, that I attended for 5 years. Which means that I now know how to arrange flowers. Which is beneficial when my kids bring me flowers they’ve picked from our neighbor’s yard. I know how to put them in a vase. I remind myself of this great talent as I write out my student loan payment each month.
- Most of my jobs have been in HR. I do consider my career as Beer Tub Girl (the best paying and most fun job I had) to fall in this category.
- I worked at Dick Clark’s American Bandstand for 1 year and got to meet him once. He's shorter than me and possibly looks younger than me also.
- I was class president and on the dance team in high school.
- I went from being thin and thought I was “sex-on-a-stick” before our 1st born to becoming, “a heavy girl”, in the words of my nurse.
- I have thrown a bag a frozen tator tots and a pot at my husband.
- Makensie told her teacher the first time they spoke that I had thrown the pot at Allen.
- I am scared of anything that could collapse…hotels, bridges, I even sweat sometimes when I’m upstairs. Our next house will be on a concrete slap all on one floor.
- I love going to church and having a church family even though we don’t have one right now.
- I knew I wanted to marry my husband after our first date and most days I’m glad I got too.
- Art is therapy for me. I love to color with my kids, paint, and make homemade cards, decorate cakes.
- I love trying new recipes.
- I love to watch movies. Especially sappy romances.
- I love to write. I have kept journals for myself, Allen and each of the kids and have over 15 full.
- I hate to drive. Although if I had a Ferrari rather than a mini van, could listen to a little hip hop music as loud as I wanted rather than Miss Pattycake, be by myself rather than hearing “Brian touched my seat” 500 times, and drive for 2 hours straight through without stopping to potty at every germ infested bathroom along the way it might not be so bad.
- I have never seen the ocean.
- I have seen Albuquerque twice. We visited, left, drove 2 hours at night, pulled over to go potty, got on the wrong road and drove back into Albuquerque.
- I have won $1000 on the radio, our refrigerator from the grocery store and a T-Shirt at a company picnic.
- Allen’s dad is the biggest Redneck I know. (See Griffin Redneckism)
- When we bought our previous house, the owners left their 200+ lb pot bellied pig, never to return for her. We lived in the middle of town with no fence. We renamed her Sweetheart. I still hold fast to #48.
- I have dozens of trophies from my youth from winning tractor pulls. I still believe #48.
- I won a speech contest in college and almost failed it in high school.
- I took 1st place in state competitions for piano in high school.
- I started accompanying the choir when I was in middle school and now rarely ever play even though we have a beautiful upright grand.
- After 4 babies I understand the invention of Poise Pads.
- I’m a terrible sales person, I don’t like to charge more than I paid. Hence the end of my Mary Kay, Arbonne and Stampin UP careers.
- I once made a comment that made Allen’s dad mad enough to not talk to me for 2 months. It was a really funny comment though and I feel worth the loss.
- I struggle at being a compliant and submissive wife as I am have a natural born silver tongue.
- I believe that God’s plans are grander than our own even if we never understand the difficulties we are going through.
- I love cats and cannot stand most dogs.
- My brother is one of the funniest people I know.
- My dad is addicted to estate sales and once bought so much at a hospital sale it took 5 people 3 days to get it all out. I still believe # 48.
- I was recently informed that my lifelong theory of “I bet everyone will be glad I’m here” is not necessarily true.
- I tried water skiing once and gave myself an enema.
- I love Mexican food and coke (the drink).
- I don’t know what time I was born but I do know that I “should be more grateful since it was the worst 36 hours” of my mom’s life.
- I lost a brother who was slightly premature at a time that lacked medical advancement and wonder still the man he would have become.
- My mom wrote in my baby book that I drove her crazy from talking too much.
- It is easier for me to get angry rather than to cry.
- I won’t share a drink with others including my husband.
- However, I love kissing on my hubby especially when he if freshly shaven. He has really big soft lips.
- I am addicted to numbers and lists, possibly to the point of being OCD.
- I'm anal when it comes to best prices and coupons.
- Wal-Mart is the answer to all my shopping.
- I love to study the Bible daily.
- My husband’s only chores at home at to fix anything broken and mow the yard. And right now he could be fired without question.
- When my husband snores at night I tickle him on the back of the neck. He swears there are spiders in the bed and has had the house sprayed numerous times.
- I once but an entire bottle of blue food coloring in my husband’s Dr. Pepper because he ticked me off.
- I once threw his boots into front yard with a foot of snow because he ticked me off.
- My husband has more patience with me than I deserve.
- I love to play board games.
- I punish myself by comparing myself to other moms.
- I have some great workout tapes...somewhere.
- I have many projects started that are cluttering up our home. My want-to-do list is bigger than my time-to-do list.
- I love to go camping; it is truly down time for me.
- My best friend in college was a guy and he is gay. I have a low tolerance for gay bashing.
- During labor with one of my babies, Allen told me he understood my pain, that he had stepped on a nail once.
- My husband and oldest daughter are equally clumsie.
- My husband is the worst dancer I’ve ever seen, but loved me enough to go dance in public with me once.
- We eloped on New Year’s day.
- I love to read non fiction.
- I have dropped my cellphone so many times the antenna is missing and it barely stays together without duct tape.
- I enjoy doing laundry.
- I make delicious manicotti.
- I am overly smell sensitive during pregnancy and my gag reflex is strong.
- I once had a bloody nose while shopping, I thought I had a runny nose, no one told me.
- I once forgot to zip my dress and just button it at the top while in Wal-Mart, I thought I was just cold, no one told me.
- I love the smell of most candles.
- I went on a date once with a seemingly normal guy, until he told me he believe that government was covering up all the alien activity and he thought being a mortician would be interesting. I took the mother ship home quickly.
- I look forward to Christ’s return.
- My mom is a lunch lady and I pray no one ever makes fun of her because she is really a sweet person.
- I only stopped making prank calls when caller ID came out.
We were on our way back to college after a fun weekend trip to a friends home. The windows were down to allow at least the breeze in since it was scorching hot outside and this car had no air-conditioning, in fact, we were lucky it ran at all. And with the windows down, we actually had a nice cross breeze with the holes in the floor board.We were singing to whatever song we could find on the stations in the middle of Kansas on some little mostly unknown highway. It was the quickest route between Manhattan and Wichita. There are many things in life to fear and many things to fear in the flat lands . I had been in Wichita on two separate occasions when there were tornadoes , but this threat was even worse. On a long stretch of quiet highway we enjoyed the beautiful sights of the pastures and sky. There were several tractors working in the fields and mowing in the ditches. Up ahead of us, there was something covering the entire road for as far as we could see. As we neared, it lo...
You made me laugh the whole time I was reading your list...often in loud outbursts!! Way too funny. Totally interesting! Love it!!