One of my worst subjects in school was history. I found it difficult to remember dates, names, places and yet I know who Abe Lincoln is, I know who Paul Revere is. I never met these men, but I had plenty of opportunities to learn about them in school. If I hadn't read their stories, I might know their names, but not their character, values or beliefs. That same is true of our Lord. He get to know Him by reading about Him. Are what are just some of the things we know about Him? His mercy, faithfulness and lovingkindness are unmeasurable. They are deeper and wider and greater than we can even begin to imagine.
We were on our way back to college after a fun weekend trip to a friends home. The windows were down to allow at least the breeze in since it was scorching hot outside and this car had no air-conditioning, in fact, we were lucky it ran at all. And with the windows down, we actually had a nice cross breeze with the holes in the floor board.We were singing to whatever song we could find on the stations in the middle of Kansas on some little mostly unknown highway. It was the quickest route between Manhattan and Wichita. There are many things in life to fear and many things to fear in the flat lands . I had been in Wichita on two separate occasions when there were tornadoes , but this threat was even worse. On a long stretch of quiet highway we enjoyed the beautiful sights of the pastures and sky. There were several tractors working in the fields and mowing in the ditches. Up ahead of us, there was something covering the entire road for as far as we could see. As we neared, it lo...