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Faith and Focus

This was a little quote from our Summer in Psalms bible study. I was so excited to do devotions this week. I wrote in my private journal that you'll all see when I die, that I was elated to get to spend some quality time with my closest dear friend. I had missed that time of really talking, listening, uninterrupted time. My friend of Christ. The help-meet Bible/book study is complete. Can I get an amen? While I am thankful that I was able to be part of it and know there was a need and some 94 ladies joined, I felt a very heavy weight and attack from the enemy on Allen and I during this time. Of course anytime you are in a role of leadership or teaching I think this is when you are top on the list for attack. After-all, we're more of a threat when we are doing something.

During this time of the book study, I spent most of my personal devotional time praying and researching the scriptures and studying the book to make sure to present the opinions the best I could based on accurate biblical references. I'm just a mom not a fancy JBU grad. I look forward again to rising early to follow the prompting of my heart and follow where He leads and listen to his sweet breeze of direction.

So now I'm laying down in green pastures to rest from the battle that has pursued me and exhausted me. While this place is a quiet serene beautiful place it is just as dangerous to stay at rest for too long. I was graciously asked to speak for our fall home-school retreat on encouragement. Or maybe they had asked everyone else they could think of. lol. Do I really have anything to offer the ladies more than someone else does? No, so just praying for wisdom and direction as to whether it will be me to share God's word of encouragement to these ladies.

Recently doubting my skills as a mother I felt myself running from anything that might put me at risk again of being struck by the lightening. I was so thankful for a night out in the company of a godly counsel this week to be reminded that our children are full of sin and failures just the same and that bad choices from my kids to not mean I have failure the overall war of parenting. Just continuing to learn and grow from each battle. Each day is a new fork in the road. All we can do it take what we've learned from our successes and failures and grow a little each day. God blessed us with these specific 4 children and knew that I was the best parent for them. I may not be the best parent ever, but the best one for them. I'm thankful that Brian has so much energy and so day that will be one of his greatest assets, I just pray for wisdom in directing him to keep his focus on Christ and His characteristics. Makensie has a heart for hospitality and Gabby is just likable and a leader. Lord help me daily to fine tune and keep direction going towards you and not to knee jerk and overcompensate for failures that will in turn hurt everyone's spirit. It is a long journey not a sprint. Give me balance and strength and wisdom to raise up your blessings.


Suzanne said…
Hi Suzanne,

I came across your blog through your Lily of the Valley blog because mine has a similar name. I was bored and googled and found my way here.

I just noticed a few similarities between us, including the first name Suzanne and the name Griffin (not my last name, but the name of someone special to me).

Just thought it was kinda cool and wanted to say so.

Another Suzanne :)
Wendy said…
You are the FIRST person we asked to be our speaker on encouragement. You are the first that came to our minds during our initial meeting. Laura Mac is your back-up.
We know you have so much to offer!! There's no pressure, but I hope you will consider it. You're definitely right-- we come under attack when Satan sees us as a threat. But, really, isn't it just awesome that God deems us worthy to be used for His glory? :-) You are doing a great job!!!
So enjoy your rest, and then hop back up for another phase of life! :-)

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