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Spiritual Appetite

After the post yesterday, wanted to follow up on the stoning of the rebellious child and let you know, no children were harmed in the making of that post. And the Jewish tradition claims that the law was never enforced. But God did still state it as a law all the same. God took sin very seriously. And we should do the same.

As those of you who know me, I'm struggling with my weight. But in all honesty it's not my weight that really is a problem, it's my self-control. My weight is just my sin being brought to light. It is the internal character flaws that can no long be hidden because they manifest themselves physically in weight gain. I'm no longer 20, no longer physically active unless it counts that I eat lunch over the sink and chase 4 kids all day. I do not take the time to track my calories, do not spend the money to buy the healthiest foods.

I read that someone that is a glutton in one area is usually out of control in other areas as well. Well, yes. I am a little out of balance in my homemaking...although making great strides as I'm purging like crazy and came across Large Family Logistics and Keeping the Home. I'm a little out of balance in my patience, although making changes of keeping my kids close by, (Raising Godly Tomatoes) has truly changed my perspective. I'm sure there are many more but I'm getting depressed. So that's enough for now. So my next area to find that internally self control and get aligned is my health choices. It's not a one time decision, it's a 4-5 times a day decision. One that we can't just go cold turkey and avoid altogether. But have to face often, daily, for life.

In Deuteronomy one of the words to describe the rebellious child was profligate which when used in Proverbs meant Glutton. This child was given to gluttony of self and his happiness. Obesity comes on in the same way as an alcoholism. One bite or drink at a time.

The offense here is still the rebellion. But it makes sense why gluttony is on the list of the 7 deadly sins. Gluttony can be a symptom or even the cause of other sins in our lives.


Jerri Dalrymple said…
Girl, I hear ya! It seems like it's all or none with me. Either everything is working great, devotions/housework/exercise/healthy eating are consistent, or it's a free for all. I've been battling this for 10 years. Let me know if you find "the key" to sustaining....
Jerri Dalrymple said…
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Jennifer said…
Hi I found you blog after reading your comments on Candy's site. I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy it and I'll be back! This particular article spoke volumes to me as I am fighting the same battle.

God Bless!
Found your blog via Sherri's blog and the encouragement of her mother Lynn. She said you were very interesting, and I totally agree. Will be back to read more. Very insightful.

Blessings to you!


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