I have never put together a Christmas Float before and for some reason thought it a grand idea to suggest doing so for our homeschool group. Of course it was the day after the Christmas Workshop, so I was a little busy last week. We didn't do anything extravagant, but thankfully there were other ladies with ideas and common sense thinking to lead the way. We went with a theme of Children are a gift from the Lord. By Saturday morning, the float wasn't decorated, we didn't have hay bales for sitting and we didn't have a banner or even the paint in hand to make the banner. It was getting a little uncomfortable and quite honestly with the freezing wind, this was the 1st time I considered calling it off.
But it all came together, hay and paint was found, someone generously painted the sign so I didn't have to bend over....
However, at @5:00 was the 2nd time I considered calling it off. There were only 3 of us families at the float and since the idea was to hopefully share with the community how many of us there are....3 families didn't seem impressive.
But once again, it all suddenly came together as people started showing up from every direction. I believe with parents and kiddos, we had close to 70 people. Everyone seemed to have a great time in spite of the bitter cold.
But it all came together, hay and paint was found, someone generously painted the sign so I didn't have to bend over....
However, at @5:00 was the 2nd time I considered calling it off. There were only 3 of us families at the float and since the idea was to hopefully share with the community how many of us there are....3 families didn't seem impressive.
But once again, it all suddenly came together as people started showing up from every direction. I believe with parents and kiddos, we had close to 70 people. Everyone seemed to have a great time in spite of the bitter cold.