Yesterday my baby turned 3.
I just want to keep him little forever.
We didn't have a party as this is the last year I'll have with him not having a clue what the cake is even for. Plus, I am on a 3 day migraine so the cake I made for him, well, left much to be desired. In fact, since 1/2 of it stuck in the pan, rendering it next to impossible to ice, I served everyone a slab of cake with a side of a spoonful of icing along with their 1/2 price Sonic hamburgers.
I don't know if the migraine continues from all the crying (good tears) lately, which I'll share more soon, or from the terrible smell of smoke which awoke us in the middle of the night coming from the furnace, which seems to be fine now, but I find myself a little antsy to fall sleep. Which also gives me the option to blame the lack of sleep the last couple of nights.
Brian's birthday is tomorrow night and we are having supper with some friends so I'll have a chance to redeem myself with cakes this week. My friend Mary had called to see what Brian would like to eat for his birthday supper and he replied. Cow...heart! Yuck! Don't ask. But his 2nd choice was spaghetti. Wonderful!
By the way, my Alex is standing near me right now and totally rocking out to the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Hope your migraine leaves right now!!