I am reading a wonderful little diddy of a book called "The Homeschool Journey". So far the first several chapters have been more for me as a person than anything about homeschooling. Talking about integrity, servant hood , humility and obedience. Obedience is nothing new for any parent, but I can always learn from others. I used to think that self-control, or the lack of, was at the core of most of my problems I bring on myself. But the author challenged me to see it as a slave to self, full of pride. Disobedience to the will of God. That cuts deep. It is honestly so much easier to say I had lost self control and over ate than it is to admit that I committed gluttony and disobeyed God's will for my body. Jesus in the garden was tore between his flesh and his will and his Father's will. "If there is any way this cup can pass, if there is any way You can get me out of this, do it!" "Nevertheless not My will but Thine be done." And He pr...
Just a woman in it for the long haul of marriage, gaining humility thru this parenting gig and slinging hope and humor to those around me.