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Showing posts from May, 2010


I am reading a wonderful little diddy of a book called "The Homeschool Journey". So far the first several chapters have been more for me as a person than anything about homeschooling. Talking about integrity, servant hood , humility and obedience. Obedience is nothing new for any parent, but I can always learn from others. I used to think that self-control, or the lack of, was at the core of most of my problems I bring on myself. But the author challenged me to see it as a slave to self, full of pride. Disobedience to the will of God. That cuts deep. It is honestly so much easier to say I had lost self control and over ate than it is to admit that I committed gluttony and disobeyed God's will for my body. Jesus in the garden was tore between his flesh and his will and his Father's will. "If there is any way this cup can pass, if there is any way You can get me out of this, do it!" "Nevertheless not My will but Thine be done." And He pr...

Christ is intentional

There are so many things around us in life that appear to be "bad". So many tragedies, events, hurts and failures that hit us hard, and cut to the heart. Things that feel like they are a punishment, or maybe God had forgotten about us. No matter how our human minds might conceive such events and even when burdens feel like more than we can bear, we can hold fast to the truth that Christ is intentional. Everything that comes our way has a purpose for our own good. Whether it is to grow in character, empathy, humbleness or for us to come back to our Father's feet. Even in the death of Lazarus, a friend that Christ loved and wept over. There was no mistake. While it pained Christ to hear of his death and know the hurt the family faced, in this event He was able to raise the dead. He took something so sad and devastating and healed that hurt like no one else was able to. He was able to convert those who did not believe. Convince those who were bordering and saw the ...

My Own Secret Garden

We went and watched the play "The Secret Garden" although it made into a musical and with heavy British accents, overall I would have to say it was...long and not at all like the movie we rented. Not to mention we sat in the balcony. In an old building. We lots of other people. And you all know how little I like that sort of setting. The kids did great to sit thru the 90 minutes. However, it was a play and an experience to enjoy. Plus it was free:) You would think that I would learn to check all the pockets when I have 3 boys to wash laundry for in this house. But I haven't. Here is a picture of my own private secret garden of goodies in my washer tonight. 14 Crayons, 14 water balloons, 12 screws, 54 cents, 2 ponytail holders (my fault), 2 ink pens, 1 marble, 1 nail, 1 key and yes, 1 razor blade.

Just Life

Ballet Beauties after performance at JBU for morning worship. Katelyn and Wyatt sittin ' in a tractor.... Building a house out of kid size Lincoln Logs (Allen's dad made these for us) The skirt that Grandma Connie made. You can take the boy off the tractor, but you can't take the tractor seat away from the boy. Wild Horse Ministries . It was fabulous. Keys: It's what's always in his pocket. Two baby kittens and one tired momma. Airing up the tires. Night out with girlfriends. Afternoon of fishing. 5 little monkeys, jumping Last time with our JBU gals for this semester. We all love Steph and Tori. We don't do a lot of art, but this was the Spotted Leopard Frog and Gabby had to add a full background to the printout. :) Studied Neutrals in art today and viewed some of Escher's work. (One of my favorites.) This is Gabby's. She cut out all the pieces, even the dog's legs are individually cut and glued.