I think just about everyone has heard of this book. And if you haven't I highly encourage you to get it. Not just to get another book, but to read it and commit to praying. I personally had grown lax about praying daily for Allen.
Recently, I have had the opportunity to get more involved with a women's ministry and food pantry to serve others. I admitted up front my fears. Every time I have stepped out to put myself out there for any kind of leadership or service for the Lord, I get attacked. Satan attacks me thru words as these are my love language. Give me a heart felt compliment and I'll love ya and can survive for weeks on it. But just as devastating are words filled with hatred and lies and slander. Satan is like a wolf in sheep's clothes. He appears to be innocent and good until you are taken in. He has attacked in the form of friends, women who were leading a women's ministry at church, family, strangers.
I prayed that I would recognize any attack and be ready for any more onslaught of condemning words that cause doubt. Satan my not be wise, but he is cunning. Attacking from angles we did not prepare or foresee. Creeping in slowly so as to go unnoticed.
I would like to challenge all you wives to be on your knees before the Lord each and every day as you commit your marriage and husband to the Lord. Satan is in full force to come against marriages that are doing something good for the kingdom. I am recommitting to be the praying wife that my husband needs.
Here is one of the prayers from her book:
His Reputation
"Lord, I pray that (husband's name) will have a reputation that is untarnished. I know that a man if often valued "by what others say of him" (Prov 27:21), so I pray that he will be respected in our town and people will speak highly of him. You've said in Your Word that "a curse without cause shall not alight" (Prov 26:2). I pray that there would never be any reason for bad things to be said of him. Keep him out of legal entanglements. Protect us from lawsuits and criminal proceedings. Deliver those who rise up to do him harm (Psalm 59:1). Fight against those who fight against him (Psalm 35:1). In You, O Lord, we put our trust. Let us never be put to shame (Psalm 71:1). If You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?
Your Word says that "a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire" (Matt 7:18-19). I pray that my husband will bear good fruit out of the goodness that is within him, and that he will be known by the good that he does. May the fruits of honesty, trustworthiness, and humility sweeten all his dealings, so that his reputation will never be spoiled.
Preserve his life from the enemy, hide him from the secret counsel of the wicked. Pull him out of any net which has been laid for him (Psalm 31:4). Keep him safe from the evil of gossiping mouths. Where there has been ill spoken of him, touch the lips of those who it with Your refining fire. Let the responsibility of those involved be revealed. Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion who seek to destroy his life; let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor who wish him evil (Psalm 40:14). May he trust in You and not be afraid of what man can do to him (Psalm 56:11). For You have said whoever believes in You will not be put to shame (Romans 10:11). Lead him, guide him, and be his mighty fortress and hiding place. May his light so shine before men that they see his good works and glorify You, Lord (Matt 5:16)
Recently, I have had the opportunity to get more involved with a women's ministry and food pantry to serve others. I admitted up front my fears. Every time I have stepped out to put myself out there for any kind of leadership or service for the Lord, I get attacked. Satan attacks me thru words as these are my love language. Give me a heart felt compliment and I'll love ya and can survive for weeks on it. But just as devastating are words filled with hatred and lies and slander. Satan is like a wolf in sheep's clothes. He appears to be innocent and good until you are taken in. He has attacked in the form of friends, women who were leading a women's ministry at church, family, strangers.
I prayed that I would recognize any attack and be ready for any more onslaught of condemning words that cause doubt. Satan my not be wise, but he is cunning. Attacking from angles we did not prepare or foresee. Creeping in slowly so as to go unnoticed.
I would like to challenge all you wives to be on your knees before the Lord each and every day as you commit your marriage and husband to the Lord. Satan is in full force to come against marriages that are doing something good for the kingdom. I am recommitting to be the praying wife that my husband needs.
Here is one of the prayers from her book:
His Reputation
"Lord, I pray that (husband's name) will have a reputation that is untarnished. I know that a man if often valued "by what others say of him" (Prov 27:21), so I pray that he will be respected in our town and people will speak highly of him. You've said in Your Word that "a curse without cause shall not alight" (Prov 26:2). I pray that there would never be any reason for bad things to be said of him. Keep him out of legal entanglements. Protect us from lawsuits and criminal proceedings. Deliver those who rise up to do him harm (Psalm 59:1). Fight against those who fight against him (Psalm 35:1). In You, O Lord, we put our trust. Let us never be put to shame (Psalm 71:1). If You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?
Your Word says that "a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire" (Matt 7:18-19). I pray that my husband will bear good fruit out of the goodness that is within him, and that he will be known by the good that he does. May the fruits of honesty, trustworthiness, and humility sweeten all his dealings, so that his reputation will never be spoiled.
Preserve his life from the enemy, hide him from the secret counsel of the wicked. Pull him out of any net which has been laid for him (Psalm 31:4). Keep him safe from the evil of gossiping mouths. Where there has been ill spoken of him, touch the lips of those who it with Your refining fire. Let the responsibility of those involved be revealed. Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion who seek to destroy his life; let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor who wish him evil (Psalm 40:14). May he trust in You and not be afraid of what man can do to him (Psalm 56:11). For You have said whoever believes in You will not be put to shame (Romans 10:11). Lead him, guide him, and be his mighty fortress and hiding place. May his light so shine before men that they see his good works and glorify You, Lord (Matt 5:16)