Moms, can we offer up our grace to one another? Can it be our rally call? Our anthem? Our tears and plea? Grace to the mother! Maybe because I am my own worst enemy that I often feel a deep sting when I'm on the receiving end of condemnation in my parenting walk. And I have seen the damage it does. From the new mom still learning to the seasoned mom that felt she should have known better. For the majority of us moms, we do all we can and are all we know to be. We belong to MOPS, MIT and other play groups. We had a collection of books from Raising up Boys to Managers of our Homes. Our days are filled with one decision after another that carosels around our kiddos. And we all lay down at the end of the day tired and replaying moments of our day that we wish weren't going down in the record book. We all have bad moments, make less than stellar choices, have meltdowns and wish we could push the "do-over" button....
Just a woman in it for the long haul of marriage, gaining humility thru this parenting gig and slinging hope and humor to those around me.